Robert's Youth
Robert was clearly not one of the cutest babies around. Luckily the eyes straightened themselves out and he quickly grew out of his early unattractiveness into a cool hunk by age 6. Many mistake him for a young Bruce Lee. Check the picture of him eating that apple. Straight gangsta.

Ruby's Youth
Ruby developed her keen sense of style at a very young age. Born and raised in Taiwan until she was five, she cultivated an eye for trendsetting fashion by blending the best of eastern and western cultures. Look at the many hairstyle transformations she goes through. What a babe.

Here are some pics of us through the years. For some reason, we don't look any older today than we looked 6 years ago.

These are the only professional photos we've ever taken. The funny story behind these pics is that Ruby forgot to bring a pair of jeans to change into. The ones you see in the photos are actually Robert's. Can't tell, huh?


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